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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Tampering with the American Constitution and The Sexual Harrasment Prohibition Clause Political Analysis by Sherif S. Monem

The sage of the Congress including the Democrats have added a new clause or amendment to the holy American Constitution prohibiting anybody with allegation of sexual harassment of women ten or twenty years before getting elected to stay a minute further if some one comes twenty years later and accuse a law maker gentle maker that he groped her, unwelcome touched her or kissed her before she gave written permission. I think this is disgusting and is not part of any article in the American  Constitution. It is outreach and harassing some senator or representative to leave for sexual conduct while he was not in the office should stop. Al Franken a super Senator from Minnesota was kicked out because he allegedly groped the breast of  LeeannTweeden while she was very tired and sleeping.

This was just fun and no harm.

she was wearing the vest,

Bullshit. He was a COMEDIAN, not her boss, not a senator. I think the pic is infantile and stupid, but he is not GROPING her. This is the comic who puts on a gorilla outfit, FFS!

Why now after have been elected. Where she had been all this twenty years or more.

Very disgusting behaviour from Leeann Tweeden and her breast will change the career of distinguished statesman.

On the other hand full force of law and eviction of the congressional seat if this happens during the term being served.

This practice of kicking out s congressman for prior sexual conduct before getting elected should be stopped.

How about president Trump with more egregious behaviour when he was more youthful and not touching breasts like that of tiny Leeann Tweeden only but touching the sexual sensitive private part of women (V.... )?

Some of the women accusers using publicizing their cases for their career advancement purposes.

Leeann Tweeden 

Thursday, November 23, 2017

American Political system in age of the internet. Political Theory by Sherif S. Monem

With the age of internet there should be more feedback of the approval of the American people and voters of the elected officials. At the time of the writing of the constitution there was no such facility. The American constitution should be re-written to the age of the information technology and there should by an annual evaluation of the performance of the congressman/wo and the president.
May be February of each year,
The evaluation should be say accessible through the web with a window say for four weeks. The results should be announced in March.