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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Don't Touch Medicare Advantage

Barack Obama should not touch "Medicare Advantage". Attacking health insurance companies is a joke. They provide great service and their stock holders don't realise any return larger than any other company sector in the exchange.
It is totally disgusting the continuous attacks on the insurance companies. It is becoming demagoguery.
It is much convenient to have companies to run Medicare than the government itself.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Health Public Option Should be Open Only for Low Income Americans

The public option should be limited only to the low income Americans. Otherwise, this will severely hurt the private health providers.
If higher income want to participate then they should pay much higher premiums.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Right Wingers Myth and Mess in America

August 10, 2009
Dartmouth, Mass: Audry Steele, 82 from New Bedford, She did not want the government get involved with the health-care.
"They just make mess of every thing."

President Barack Obama Symbol of Moral Courage Championing National Health

President Barack Obama said, as the world's richest nation, had a moral duty to offer health care to everyone, in a fresh bid to bolster support for his top domestic priority.

Obama addressed an estimated 140,000 people on a call sponsored by 30 progressive religious denominations as the White House tried to still disquiet among liberals, and opposition among Republicans, to his health reform plan.

"The one thing you all share, is a moral conviction, you know, that this debate over health care goes to the heart of who we are as a people," said Obama on the call also including his domestic policy director Melody Barnes.

"I believe that nobody in America should be denied basic health care because he or she lacks health insurance," Obama said, after calling into a webcast including clergy and believers of Evangelical, Protestant, Catholic and Jewish orders.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor and the Republicans Filibuster Nonsense

Any though of republican filibuster of the confirmation of judge Sonia Sotomayor for the supreme court justice will fire back at them. Their support within the Latinos will diminish further and will come to bite them very badly in any coming elections.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Coming 2010 US Senatorial Race in Missouri

Poll: Carnahan posts big lead
The Hill - 5.14.09 - Carnahan leads Rep. Roy Blunt (R) by a 53 percent to 44 percent margin and posts a wider 54 percent to 42 percent lead over former state Treasurer Sarah Steelman. Carnahan, the top vote-getter in the state in 2008, also has higher name recognition and favorability ratings than either of the potential Republican candidates.
Robin Carnahan
8th Missouri Secretary of State Incumbent
It is clear that the Senate race in the state of Missouri will be very critical in 2010 as the Democrats will try to maintain their lead.
Christopher Samuel "Kit" Bond (born March 6, 1939) is a former governor and current senior United States Senator from Missouri. He has been in the Senate since 1987 and is a member of the Republican Party. He announced on January 8, 2009 that he does not plan to seek re-election in 2010. Should Bond retire in January 2011, he will have served four full terms in the U.S. Senate

Unhappiness from the Left and Liberals about the War in Afghanistan

The White House advisers add that Obama will be pushed only so far to the left, and with good reason. Only 19 percent of Americans, after all, identify themselves as liberal, compared with 36 percent who say they are moderate and 41 percent who say they are conservative, according to the latest poll by Democracy Corps, a Democratic think tank.
Groups in the left are unhappy with Barack Obama sending 20,000 troops to Afghanistan.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Nevada Senator Harry Reid Leadership Skills and Style

Reid’s leadership style questioned
Reid: Guantanamo Detainees Should Not Be Held In U.S. Prisons

Dick Cheney and the Art of Enhanced Lying and Deception

Cheney's assertions of lives saved is hard to prove
Arguing against Obama's policies, he says that the Bush administration's approach to terrorism spared 'perhaps hundreds of thousands.' Experts say no evidence of that has emerged.,0,2634231.story
By Robert Scheer

In the end, the shame of Vice President Dick Cheney was total: unmitigated by any notion of a graceful departure, let alone the slightest obligation of honest accounting. Although firmly ensconced, even in the popular imagination, as an example of evil incarnate—nearly a quarter of those polled in this week’s CNN poll rated him the worst vice president in U.S. history, and 41 percent as “poor”—Cheney exudes the confidence of one fully convinced that he will get away with it all

Dick Cheney, Patron Saint of Torture-Free

"Hitler gave anti-Semitism a bad name," as many high-born Europeans used to say, yearning for the good old days when all right-thinking people could disparage Jews in public. Former Vice President Dick Cheney is similarly giving torture an odious reputation, all in his zeal to prove himself the rightest thinking guy in America. By the time he's finished with his mouthy defense of "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques," no one with any sense will want to have anything to do with them, at least not where others can see or hear.

In the end, the shame of Vice President Dick Cheney was total: unmitigated by any notion of a graceful departure, let alone the slightest obligation of honest accounting. Although firmly ensconced, even in the popular imagination, as an example of evil incarnate—nearly a quarter of those polled in this week’s CNN poll rated him the worst vice president in U.S. history, and 41 percent as “poor”—Cheney exudes the confidence of one fully convinced that he will get away with it all.

And why not? Nothing, not his suspect role in the Enron debacle, which foretold the economic meltdown, or his office’s fabrication of the false reasons for invading Iraq, has ever been seriously investigated, because of White House stonewalling. Nor will the new president, committed as he is to nonpartisanship, be likely to open up Cheney’s can of worms.

"The widespread abuse of prisoners is a virtually foolproof indication that politicians are trying to impose a system --- whether political, religious or economic --- that is rejected by large numbers of people they are ruling. Just as ecologists define ecosystems by the presence of certain 'indicator species'..., torture is an indicator species of a regime that is engaged in a deeply anti-democratic project, even if that regime happens to have come to power through elections." - Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine (2007)

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Democrats Acts of Treason in Congress Defying Barack Obama Closing Gitmo

Democrats on Capitol Hill Rebel Against President Obama's Guantanamo Bay Plan.
This is nothing short of an undignified act of cowardice, ignorance, defiance for Barack Obama and the American people who elected him.
Democrats lined up with Republicans in the 90-6 vote that came on the heels of a similar move a week ago in the House of Representatives, underscoring widespread apprehension among Obama's congressional allies over voters' strong feelings about bringing detainees to the U.S.The lopsided vote was a victory for Senate Republicans, who have recently turned their attention to Obama's foreign and terrorism-related policies after failing to make headway in criticizing his economic program.
Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois, the second-in-command among Democrats, pointed out that no one has ever escaped from a federal "supermax" prison and that 347 convicted terrorists are among those held in them.Fact Box
These states have introduced legislation this year calling for a ban on Guantanamo Bay detainees on their soil:

New Mexico
South Carolina

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Six Brave Senators Back Barack Obama on Closing Gitmo

The Gitmo Six Democrats: Roll call vote
May 20, 2009 05:25 PM I noted earlier this afternoon that the Senate voted 90-6 to deny Obama funding for his Gitmo closure plans.

Here’s the roll call vote. The Gitmo Six Democrats:

Durbin (D-IL)
Harkin (D-IA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Reed (D-RI)
Whitehouse (D-RI)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

President Barack Obama Should Move Strong in His First Year in Office

President Barack Obama has one year to move very strong to accomplish his major goals he envision for the country. From there on things will change and many of his diplomatic supporters in congress will be hesitant to join any bold move he may make regarding various issues just to pick one is the health care reform.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Barack Obama Wrong Approach in Afghanistan

Barack Obama is following a wrong approach in Afghanistan. Mr.Barack Obama should pursue aggressively a diplomatic approach and bold negotiation with the adversary. If Mr. Barack Obama thinks that killing thousands of so called militants will end the conflict then things will get worse and not remotely better.
Secretary of states Hillary Clinton should get the green light for such diplomatic effort and certainly she is very capable.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The CIA Should Release The Bogus Valuable Information Obtained Through Torture

The CIA used the most barbaric and criminal inhumane methods to torture fellow human beings. It is most certain that the torture was for the purpose of torture and nothing else. One imagine that the purpose of such persistent question was to provide a vehicle to prosecute individuals whom the CIA would seek to find them, arrest them, detain them and add them to the list of being tortured.
These detainee were held for long time and have worthless if any useful information or any thing of value never the less they were tortures in the most criminal way that Joseph Stalin or Adolph Hitler ever used or coming closing.
A comprehensive list of all detainee who were subjected to all categories of tortured should be published. There should be a list of detainee who died during the course of torture the names, the ages and the dates of their death as well as the category of torture that was used.
So again the CIA should release the categories of information they tab themselves on their soldiers they have extracted from their barbarism.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Hillary Clinton Ought to Visit Cuba on Friendship Mission

Hillary Clinton the US secretary of state should plan to put in her agenda a visit to Cuba for the purpose of laying the ground of eventual the Establishment of diplomatic between the US and Cuba. This nonsense of freezing relations for 50-years should come to an end. Such monstrous tragic situation is a relic of the cold war and have no place in 2009, specially under Barack Obama administration.