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Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Political Duck Theory Analysis by Sherif S. Monem

The Political Duck Theory describes the political person who just follows a caravan of other ducks whose political actions are not individual but follows a higher command or follows another ideology and marches behind blindly. This is the case of the politicians in the Republican party who follow the party commands and follow the directions of whatever they are ordered. They are very predictable and feel secure that a big party is protecting them as long as they keep in line, a duck line.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Holographic Thinking a Solution for World Conflicts by Sherif Monem

Holographic thinking does not exist in the world. If people use holographic thinking many wars would not have occurred. Holographic thinking is to look at the problem from all angles from your side and your opponents side and to sea your merit as your opponent merit as well as the other players who may have an interest of a problem resolution.
As opposite to Holographic Thinking is Uni Thinking where you address the problem only from your view.

An example Hitler and the Danzig corridor and the start of WW II, He ignored Poland justification of not handing the  Danzig corridor.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Political Theory the Incumbents Flaw Analysis by Sherif Monem

A problem with the American Political Systems is the sticky incumbents. They stick forever for decades if they are low performers but at least they follow the party guide line so they are OK and continue on one election after another, specially when they compete with low weight opponents.